Miss Katie
Here is a photo of Katie when she was about 30 hours old. If you look closely, you can see the IV apparatus attached to her head. When I was in labor, I developed an infection in the placenta that made my temperature rise to something like 103. Of course, Katie's temp also rose to about 104. This is definately not good for a baby that hasn't even been born yet. So as soon as she was born (with help from the vaccuum) she was evaluated and taken to the NICU where they started her on a high power course of antibiotics. Her fever came down very quickly after that. This photo was taken Friday evening when John and Pam came to visit. We asked John to administer to Katie and me at that point and I could feel a peace come over our hospital room. I knew that Katie would stay in the hospital longer than me, but I knew that she would be ok because God was watching over her and us.

Seeing this picture again reminds me of how Katie used to "sing" in her sleep. While she was in the NICU, the nurses noticed that she would make little humming noises with every breath. They decided to do a chest x-ray but found nothing wrong. Again, God was at work. When we got to bring her home, Katie and I would take naps together with her singing and me just listening and smiling the whole time. I love this little girl.
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