Friday, April 07, 2006

More on dreams

I had another strange dream early this morning. Seems like I have the weird ones some time after 5 am. This time, I was hanging out with the cast from the show Gray's Anatomy. I watch it every Sunday and am totally addicted to it. I have no idea why I was dreaming of sitting there chatting it up with the characters on the show. I even remember in my dream saying that I know you have real names, but I don't know them so I will just call you by your character name. Very strange. I don't know if you watch the show or not, but George (my favorite character) is having issues with his hair. In my real life dream, his hair was short and I told him I liked his haircut. The whole dream was like I was sitting with the cast interviewing them. Why do I have dreams like this? Very strange. I wonder if Katie will have similar dream experiences, or will she be like Ben and not remember the dreams so vividly?

Yesterday I almost had a mini meltdown. I think I'm more ok today. I got to work and nothing was going right with my instrument and the samples were invalid and I have to re-extract them and re-run them. But, my co-worker and I came up with a plan and everything will work out ok. To top it off, one of the local news stations wanted some tests done and wanted to film someone actually doing the tests. So, I was the lucky analyst chosen to do the tests. Now that that is over, I can rest easier. In fact, last night I did and I woke up feeling almost refreshed. We're going in the right direction now.


At 4/7/06, 10:26 AM, Blogger Alli said...

I have crazy, vivid dreams every night! And I wake up always wondering "Where the heck did that come from?" It amazes me that I get any rest at all because I am always running around, or involved in a chase or something dangerous with people I don't know. It is crazy! There are a few I would like to have explained to me.


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