Saturday, December 29, 2007


What does 20.2 mean? I could mean lots of things, but to me it means that as of today I am 20.2 pounds closer to better health.

In October, I somewhat reluctantly joined Weight Watchers. I say reluctantly because I didn't know if I was ready to make that committment at the time. It was something that was very daunting to me. But, two people very close to me joined and dragged me with them. I was kind of going along at first, but after posting a weight loss the very first week, I was hooked and knew that I could do it.

I knew I was overweight and actually considered obese. Wait a minute, was that obese? Yes, I always just considered myself overweight, but if you use my numbers in the BMI calculators, I was obese. Yikes. This is coming from the girl that was always the skinniest and always ate anything and everything in sight and never gained an ounce. But, the truth was in the scale and my increasing clothing sizes.

So, I started my weightloss journey and trek to better health in October. Since then I have lost over 10% of my starting body weight, over 20 pounds, and am very close to being able to say that I have lost 2 sizes. Now that's some impressive math.

So now that I have put some of my numbers out there, I have to live up to them. I still have quite a way to go, but I am going in the right direction. I don't know how much I need to continue to loose. I don't really want to know. At this point, I will keep following my plan and take it off 1 pound at a time. When I get closer to the end I will set a goal. I think if I set it now, I will be too focused on the number on the scale rather than my overall health.

It is amazing what a 20 pound loss can do for a person. I feel stronger, quicker, lighter. I can play with Katie and not feel like colapsing afterward. I haven't had any unexplained heart palpitations for 2 months. I feel great!


At 12/29/07, 9:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats to you! I think that is an amazing accomplishment in only three months! I am so happy for you and I am finding inspiration in your post. I too realize that I have weight to take off and haven't yet fully committed myself to a healthier lifestyle. With Jake and Kelly's wedding in Jamaica looming and my interest in feeling better overall, I think I will take your post and let it inspire my first steps! Thank you for being bold and putting it out there for all of us to read! Good for you Jen!

At 1/1/08, 11:46 AM, Blogger G2 said...

that's great. i've been trying since thanksgiving and lost 7 pounds but i think i've put them back on over christmas - so now back to work!

At 2/2/08, 8:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I realize this post is more than a month old (I'm finally catching up.), but I wanted to give you kudos. I have struggled with my weight for my entire life and I'm always SO happy when someone else has success! Congrats!


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