Sunday, January 13, 2008

It is quiet in my house. Charlie and I are the only ones awake. Well, Ben may be awake now because Charlie just barked at him to go outside, but it is quiet none-the-less. I like the peaceful time when I am awake and no one else is. It's too bad that the reason I am awake is that I couldn't sleep!

I was able to finish Katie's sweater or shrug or whatever you want to call it, but I don't know if it fits right. I may need to get some help to see what I can do about it. It looks cute, but she is absolutely refusing to wear it. I asked her last night why she doesn't like it, and she said the colors are "just awful". Her words, not mine. It made me a little sad. Hopefully she will come around.

I now have a little girl sitting on my lap so I guess it is time to get going and get ready for church. It's just a typical Sunday morning.

Edited to add: I am not above bribary to get Katie to wear what I want. Good thing it only takes her being able to turn on the fan!


At 1/13/08, 5:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're talking about the shrug she wore this morning, I loved it! Especially the colors! :) She's just not quite old enough to have good taste in fashion! :)


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