Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Happy Birthday

To ME!

I spent the day with my darling daughter and we had a great time. We went to a couple stores and got something we both would enjoy, had lunch with my family, then went "home" to my parents' house for the afternoon with hopes of napping (for me) and being spoiled (for her). Both were accomplished nicely with my mom being the doting grandma that she is and allowing me to just chill and rest in the comfort of my old home. After awhile, we picked up some stuff for dinner, met Ben at home and cooked dinner, if you can call steaming some corn, reheating some bread, and cutting up a rotisserie chicken cooking. After dinner, we watched Wipeout and ate birthday cake.

Ben and Katie got me a wool winder so I can knit more efficiently, my parents treated us all to dinner Saturday night to celebrate Steve's B-day from the week before (our birthdays are 6 days apart) at Blue Koi. Presents get fewer and further apart as we get older, but the family stuff just seems that much more important.


At 7/23/08, 5:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! is it 28?


At 7/23/08, 8:03 AM, Blogger Shane said...


31, right?

At 7/23/08, 9:06 AM, Blogger Andrea said...

Happy belated birthday!! It sounds like you had a wonderful day. :)

At 7/23/08, 11:33 AM, Blogger Jennifer said...

Shane is the winner!

At 7/24/08, 9:31 AM, Blogger Created by Spluuuwife said...

Sorry I missed your birthday. Sounds like you had the best day!!
Thanks for sharing it with all of us "readers!"
Talk to you soon.

At 7/24/08, 11:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy late birthday! I'm glad you had a good day. Doing things with family is the best! =)


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