Blog? What blog?
Do you ever feel like blogging is too much of a chore? I kind of feel that way right now. I have much to post, but I just don't feel like it. I still love reading blogs, I just don't feel motivated to put forth the effort to give you something to read. So basically, you can count on a new post about once a month!
We took a trip over Memorial Day to Hastings, MN to visit Andrea and her family. She has a daughter also named Katie, so I think the girls were a little confused at first. We had such a relaxing time with Andy feeding us so very well. It is great that he had such a fun time cooking for us. I didn't have any trouble eating his offerings. I only had a little setback with the weight loss, so all is good. We visited the Mall of Americas while we were there. It was neat, but not as neat as I was expecting. Oh well. Hype doesn't always do a place good. I was able to sneak away and go to three very different yarn stores while I was there. I gravitate towards yarn stores like a bug flies to the lighted zapper. I think I need to start leaving my wallet in the car when I go to yarn stores. I found some great stuff that I am itching to try.
I seriously need to stop buying yarn. I have more than enough to get me through the next couple years. I have two projects in mind that I still need to buy for, but other than that, I need to stop! At least through the summer. We will see if I can do it.
Katie and I planted a little garden this year. Ben built two flower beds for the front of the house a couple years ago, so Katie and I filled them with Vinca this year. I also have a couple mint plants, a couple tomato plants (no worry of salmonella there!), so basil, a few watermelon plants, and one lonely zucchini. Here's hoping to a productive edible garden! My peach tree will be giving us a lot this year, if all goes well.
I am about ready to graduate from Olathe Civic Academy. This is a program that you apply for and learn about all the different areas of city government and services. It has been an interesting experience and I encourage and residents to apply for next year.
Life keeps going and I am along for the ride. I just wish there was more time to enjoy fully.
Blogging shouldn't feel like pressure. Just blog on your own time...that's why I have an RSS Reader that tells me when people update rather than me having to check their sites everyday.
i like to blog but find it a chore sometimes. I like your analogy with buying yarn and the bug to the light zapper - very cleaver.
Thanks again for coming to visit us! We were so happy to have you. Andy loves to have people to cook for. :) By the way, Katie was asking for your Katie just yesterday. Funny how much a 2 year old remembers!
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