Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I am famous

Well, in my dreams at least.

Last night I had a dream that was actually kind of fun. Before bed I was watching the finale of Dancing with the Stars. I could take or leave the show overall, but felt compelled to see who would win this time around. Shortly after, I went to sleep. I dreamt that I was a star dancer (yea, me dancing is definitely a dream!) and my partner was the too-brilliantly-white-smiled Tony Dolvolani (who knows if that is how you spell his name). Our first spin on the floor netted 3 nines! Woo hoo! I've always liked his dancing. Then, later in the dream we were hanging out with the other dancers and such and his cell phone rang. Although it looked more like on of those massager things with the balls on the ends of the arms. He answered and the call was for me! My uncle was calling to congratulate me on a great performance and I hadn't even told anyone I was doing it. Then he bought me yarn. Good times.

Do you remember your dreams? Tell me about them.


At 5/21/08, 10:14 AM, Blogger Shane said...

I never remember my dreams. At least not the good ones.

At 5/21/08, 3:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that even in your dreams, someone buys you yarn!!!

At 5/23/08, 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember my dreams EVERY MORNING! I must admit that they are INSANE most nights and I would be way too ashamed to share them on your sweet blog! Here is to you and Tony and probably the best yarn you ever got!

At 5/26/08, 8:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love it when i dream i can fly. I don't dream that often, but those are the best dreams and i hate waking up from them.


At 5/26/08, 9:56 AM, Blogger Created by Spluuuwife said...

What an awesome dream! I like the part about the massager phone- ha ha! Cool!
My dreamed my sermon the other night- I finally got how all the comments I had noted were connected. I want fun dream like yours!!!


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