Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Lightbulb moment

So you know how I love to knit and crochet, but mostly knit, to wind down? Well, I want some knitting buddies. I am thinking about starting a crafty club or something. What I am thinking is getting a bunch of people together that want to do hand crafts at someone's home and sit and craft and talk. I think it would be fun to get together once a month (every two weeks?) and catch up on each other's lives and enable each other to do your craft of choice. I know a lot of people that knit, crochet, quilt, sew, etc. The problem is, where do I start? I guess that question is already answered. I'm starting right here! So, I need to figure out a day and set it up, right? I'm looking at this as something anyone can come to, experienced or not. I know two crafts and love to bring more people into the habbit. You game?


At 3/5/08, 8:33 PM, Blogger Andrea said...

What a great idea! I don't knit, but I wish I lived closer so I could join and learn. :)

At 3/6/08, 1:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love to "craft" with you!


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