Monday, September 08, 2008

I am in a quandary. I don't know who to vote for in November. I try to read as much as I can about each candidate, but I don't seem to find anything to make me decide one way or another. If you have made your decision, which I know most of my readership has, please tell me why you are voting the way you are and why I should vote and should not vote for either candidate.

Katie and I were watching tv recently and an Obama ad came on. Right after that, a McCain ad was aired. She made the comment of "bleh" to each of them. Ben and I haven't really been talking politics at home, this is just what she has come up with while the news is on. I asked her who I should vote for in November. She said, "No one. I don't want Obama OR McCain in my house." Ok, who replaced my THREE year old with an adult? Right now, I feel the same way. I can't find reason to vote for either of them. Maybe that petition I signed to get Nadar on the ballot will come in handy.

Remember, this is a family blog, so no name calling! :)


At 9/8/08, 2:17 PM, Blogger Shane said...

Alli and I are in a quandary this election season. I'm very much on board with Obama (not blindly...I've read virtually EVERYTHING) and she's still undecided but leaning toward McCain.

It's going to be a tight election...every vote counts (although not so much in Kansas, which has gone Republican for the past 35+ years).

At 9/8/08, 9:05 PM, Blogger Created by Spluuuwife said...

I've decided to vote- but I am going to write in Nathan's name because--I don't agree with either candidate but I believe in the process!

At 9/19/08, 10:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you read my blog, you'll know how i'm voting.



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