Wednesday, April 19, 2006


A few years ago, Ben got me some molds from Jell-o to make "Jell-o" beans. It uses the jigglers recipe and you make jelly beans, but they're jell-o! I love them! Then, he found for me some molds to make Jell-o eggs. So, this year for Easter, we had lots of the jiggly yumminess. I made 6 different flavors and then put them on coconut grass. It was so fun seeing all the colors of the eggs and bean against the green grass. The bonus was eating them! Katie now loves Jell-o.

Katie likes to sing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." I'll start singing and then she'll start singing with me. It is so sweet to hear her little voice singing to me!

A co-worker introduced me to a product called Stress Tabs today. They are just a multi-vitamin, but have some extra B vitamins. That helped the stress level at work today. I didn't melt down like I did yesterday. It feels almost better to know that I'm not the only one feeling all this stress. Others are feeling it too, so we are now commiserating together. It's still stressful, but knowing that someone else is going through the same thing makes it easier for me to handle. I guess it's the old saying, "misery loves company."

I am going to bed soon. Hopefully I won't see every hour of the night and won't wake up for good before 5 am.


At 4/20/06, 7:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said... are my Jello friend. I also made the eggs with the molds this year. I cut them in half and dabbed on whipped topping to look like deviled eggs. Mmmm...yummy.


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