Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hey hey Booboo, I see a picinic basket!

For the past few years, Ben and I and usually someone else, have gone to Union Station on Sunday night of the Memorial Day Weekend. The Kansas City Symphony plays an outdoor concert with fireworks following. We take a picnic dinner and chairs and blankets and enjoy ourselves in the great outdoors while listening to patriotic music. Sometimes the music gets annoying since I've played most of it at one point or another, but it is always fun to get out and have a picnic. They usually play the 1812 Overture WITH the real cannon. That is something worth experiencing. I LOVE THE CANNON! Then when it is dark, the fireworks start above the Liberty Memorial. All in all, it's a great evening. So, Sunday night, 7ish (I think-check the website) we'll probably be there. If you are interested in getting together, let me know and we can pick a place to meet up.


At 5/25/06, 2:37 PM, Blogger Alli said...

That sounds like a lot of fun! We will be in Council Bluffs for the Holiday weekend or we may have taken you up on the offer. I have never been down there for Memorial Day. Have a great time!


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