Gone for awhile
It's been awhile. I have stuff to share, but don't have the photo documentation to prove it! Steve and Nicole had their wedding shower last weekend. I had been working feverishly to finish the gifts for it! I am very pleased with the end product. I will post pictures this weekend. They received a lot of nice gifts. I think Steve was a little overwhelmed with the love and support everyone showed. Being a part of our congregation is a good thing. We all stick together and support each other. For the two showers I had (wedding and baby) the congregation really opened their hearts and gave to us. I felt so loved and blessed to be a part of such a wonderful group!
We will be absent for the next two weeks. This Sunday we are going to Independence to celebrate our nephew Alex's baptism. The next week we will be attending the baptism of my high school friend's daughter at their church. It will be weird for me to be away from our church for two Sundays in a row. This hasn't happened in a very long time. I always go! But, these are very important times in other's lives, so we want to be there to support them.
Ben's family is visiting from Washington so Aunt Noreen will be baptising Alex. We got to visit with them some on Monday when they came to our house. Katie was great as always. I think she is a people lover. Or an attention lover. Hmmm, maybe it's one in the same? Anyway, she kept going to Uncle Phil and getting attention from him. Of course Alex loves her. I don't really know what all she was doing since I was cooking, but I never heard her crying, so all is well.
Ben granted my wish for my birthday. I have been telling him for some time now that I want a small digital camera to keep in my purse so I can take pictures when the mood strikes. So, for my birthday, he got me a small camera! It is so cute and I love it. There just hasn't been much pictue opportunity recently. I hope that will change soon! I just need to get more into the mindset to do more snapshots. I'll get there!
We'll miss you! Sounds like you'll be having a lot of fun.
Spousal note: "absent" in this case is not like the "gone away on a spectacular vacation were we just happen to be able to attend events of other family members and friends in the leisurely pace of a vacation in a foreign land" kind of absent. Woefully, we will still have to attend our crappy jobs in between the two events and drive on crappy local highways to get to and from those events. Not a vacation. Does it sound like I could use a vacation?
P.S. For those that don't know me very well, that was mostly sarcasm. I'm really looking forward to those two events (not sarcasm). And really, who couldn't use a vacation? I'd certainly love to leave my job behind for more than a day.
Maybe I should start my own blog so I don't take up all of Jen's space. Hmmm.
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