18 Month Update
I took Katie to the doctor today for her 18 month checkup. I'd like to say she did great, but I'd be lying. When we got into the room, there wasn't much issue. The nurse asked me to take her clothes and still no problem. The nurse took out her tape measurer to measure Katie's head and Katie started screaming! I was thinking "who are you and what did you do with my angel?" So we got the head measurement and her height so I was able to pick her up again. We went to weigh her and she didn't like sitting on the scale either. We got all the stats (33 inches and 24# 12 oz) then were left alone in the room for a couple minutes. She did GREAT then. Then, in walks the doctor. My loving child was replaced with a banshee. Wow, I've not heard her screem like that. I was trying to comfort her so he could listen to her lungs and heart and she was just not happy. I don't know why she was reacting like this. The only thing I can think of is that she remembered getting shots the last time she was there and she remembered the pain. I couldn't do anything to calm her down, but as soon as she was able to put her clothes back on, she was alright. Hmmm... So, next appointment is at 2 years where she will get a couple shots, but then will be set for awhile. Poor little girl!
I don't blame her. I hate having people measure my fat head too. Especially when they turn around and stick me in the arm with a needle!
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