Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Bear with me

Just because you are using the crosswalk, it doesn't mean you can step off the curb without looking. Didn't his mom teach him to look both ways? I mean, come on! I stopped and the person behind me almost hit me! Luckily I saw him in time, but he just darted in front of me like he owned the road. Sheesh! Moral of the story: Always look both directions and don't assume they will stop.

Which leads me to another rant: if you are driving and see someone waiting for the way to clear, give them a break and stop! I am so irritated when drivers look straight ahead and don't pay attention, or just plain ignore the crosswalks or stop signs directly in front of stores' doors.

Ok, end rant.

On a lighter note, Dr. Pepper is just the most wonderful soda ever.


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