Tuesday, May 30, 2006

My Weekend, by Jennifer

What a weekend! It was so nice being off work for three whole days. I loved it! It's just too bad that it's not Memorial Week instead of Memorial Day.

We got up early (6:30 or so) on Saturday, thanks to Miss Katie. So, we got up, played, ate pancakes that Ben made (he adds cinnamon to them--yummy!) then took naps. I love naps.

We went shopping then and came home with a new vacuum cleaner. It really sucks! I know, that's an old one, but in our case, it is a definate improvement. This new one cleans in about 1/3 the time as the old one because you don't have to keep running over the same spot to get all the dog hair. We might be able to keep up with Charlie now. She is a shedding machine. It seems that she sheds and sheds and still looks the same. I would have thought that she'd be bald by now with all the hair she has lost recently.

So, Ben had the opportunity to go to see the Wizards battle DC United on Saturday evening. He even was asked to participate in the halftime kicking challenge. He came in second, but still had a great time. He called me when he was done at halftime and was super excited. After playing in the band on so many football fields, I wonder what it would be like to stand in the middle of the field at Arrowhead. It's probably pretty awesome.

While Ben was at the game, Katie and I went to dinner at a new Greek restaraunt with my parents. I will go back, but I'm not so sure about my dad. Oh well. After we ate, we went to my parents' house and Katie was sitting on the couch like a big girl. She gets this cute little proud smile saying look at me, I'm a big girl! That little girl is something else.

I just changed the title of this particular post. I was writing and realized that this is very similar to the essays one would write in grade school: How I Spent My Summer Vacation. Oh well, you'll survive. ;) (What if you want to wink with the other eye? Which character do you use?)

So Sunday Katie and I went to church then out to Jumpin Catfish with my family. Yummy. Reminded me of when I was little when we'd visit Grandma K in Arkansas. Dad and Grandpa K would go fishing EARLY and bring home catfish to fry up for breakfast. I loved it.

Then, we took naps. I really enjoy my naps.

A friend of mine from high school days called and we had a nice little chat. We talk about 2-3 times a year, so it was good to hear from her again. There are only two people I remotely keep in contact with from high school. At first I was kind of sad by this, but then realized that life moves in different directions and you make new friends. It's good to know that there were two good friends there that have stood the test of time.

Anyway, this brings us up to Sunday evening. Sunday evening deserves it very own post, so stay tuned!


At 5/30/06, 4:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear about Sunday!


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