Yesterday as we were driving to Grandma's house, Katie told me that Mathew was her boyfriend. I almost lost control of the car. Then she said that she was going to marry him. I asked her if he was cute and she said in a sly voice, yea. The boy craziness sure starts early! I asked her why she liked him and she responded, "cause he's AWESOME!" Great. I didn't think this started until at least third grade!
Where is my other hat?
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
The Kindness of Strangers
Yesterday Katie and I went to HyVee to get our groceries. The floral department always has balloons for the kids to take with them. Katie got her purple balloon and was playing with it when we were leaving the store. I was trying to hold on to her and the shopping cart so neither would get away from me. Well, the balloon got away from her. It is one that they blow up with air then put it on a stick. It came off the stick and Katie started to go after it. It was next to a car, but when she got to it, it went under the care and lodged between the engine and the ground. I didn't want her going under the car and told her that it was gone and we would just have to get another one another time. She was not happy with this and started crying. Then, out of nowhere, a man came over and said "I'll get it for her." Before I could object he was down on the cold parking lot shimmying under this car to get a balloon for a little girl he didn't even know. I just about broke into tears thanking him. All the change and keys and stuff fell out of his pocket and he just went deeper under this car to get the balloon. He made my daughter's day. He renewed my faith in humanity. He must have been a grandpa.
Friday, January 09, 2009
No time for a real post, but here are a few tidbits of late:
-According to Katie, she has "fives" not hives. Some kind of reaction to something, most likely new body wash. Trying to figure it out, thankful for Zyrtec.
-David is simply adorable. We had a nice little conversation last night. He wanted to cry, but I talked him into just being cute.
-My one and only New Year' s Resolution failed yesterday. I made the resolution to knit or crochet every day of the year, but sadly I didn't get a stitch of either in yesterday. But, I did see a baby, so it was worth it. And my baby isn't contagious.
-The sweater is in the same state it was in 3 days ago. Maybe I'll have time this weekend to work on it.
-A small group of us are taking a field trip tomorrow to Parkville to go to a really neat store. I am quite excited.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Happy Birthday!
We have a new baby in our family! David Yung-Shen (I think that is how you spell it) was born last night around 9 pm. Nicole and David are doing great from what I hear. I haven't seen them yet, but I hear that David has lots of dark hair and is very cute. Congratulations to Steve, Nicole, and David.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Happy New Year!
So, since I am four days late sending good wishes for the coming year, does that mean that I will be perpetually late this year? I sure hope not.
Still no baby. I am sure Nicole is just wanting little one to show his face. I thought he'd have been here by now, but he's just hanging out waiting til the time is right.
It has been a good year so far, so I hope this good stuff keeps coming.
Katie starts her new preschool tomorrow, so we are all looking forward to that. Every day for the past week she has been asking when she gets to go. I know that she will do great with everything. Sometimes I wish I could just keep her little, but I know that she has to grow up and move on. I wish the absolute best for her.
I have made great progress on my current obsession. Some people may call it a sweater, but I am calling it a time sucker. I started this project during the week of Christmas and I am a sleeve and sewing away from being able to wear it. I love having a project like this that I am completely devoted to and can't wait to wear. It makes my hobby that much more enjoyable when everything comes together so smoothly. I have made plenty of mistakes, but since I am crocheting it, I can fix them without as much trouble as there would be if it were knitted. I've never made a garment with crochet, so this is a first for me. So far I love it. I just hope that it fits well when I am done.
My parents were very generous in their Christmas gift to me this year. They gave me money for my hobbies. So, you know what that means, right? YARN!! Knit Wit, a store in Olathe, was hosting a 30% off sale the day after Christmas. I did some good damage that day. I got enough yarn to make a full size sweater, a sleeveless sweater, a hat, and a couple scarves. I think I got something like 20 or so skeins of yarn. I spent all but $0.55 of what my parents gave me. Because of the sale, I saved over $30 (the cost of half a sweater). Give me a sale and a budget and I will try to squeak every last cent out of it! I was willing to add to the pot a little, but realized that the amount of yarn I got plus the amount I already have SHOULD keep me busy at least until summer. That is if I don't have a new obsession every week. I feel like this is rambling, but yarn makes me happy! Especially when it is such a good deal and so soft! Stay tuned for more project news. Who knows, you may even get a picture some time. No promises though!
We rang in the New Year like old people. I had Katie sleeping on my lap, we saw the clock hit midnight, everyone got there coats on and we were in bed by 12:30. We spent the evening with friends and played games. Oh, and I knit. And played games. And talked. I am a multitasker.
I had to work Friday to get ready for this week at work, but I think I got most everything ready to go. Once a quarter, I have to administer some chemistry tests, so I get to do that this week. That with all the monthly tests coming and sampling and running the regular tests is going to make for a busy week. I will be glad when it is over. At least it is only once a quarter.
On that note, I think I will end this rambling mish mash of brain drain and bid you all goodnight. I have a school girl to get ready for bed!