Monday, February 26, 2007

Oscar Night

We had a fun time at Shane and Alli's last night for the 2nd Annual Oscar Celebration (Is that what you called it?). We had lots of goodies to eat and friends to talk to. I don't know much about movies, but now I look forward to the Oscars to get together with friends. Of course, I couldn't just sit and watch TV, so I was knitting a sock. I love the yarn! It is so soft and I can't wait to have a pair.

Too bad we had to leave early to get little miss from grandma and grandpa's house. When we got there, it was after 9:00 and she was sitting on grandpa's lap pushing buttons on the "compooter." We walked in and she looked at me like she'd been caught doing something. It was quite funny.

Thank you for having us! How badly did I do with my predictions?

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Baby!

Today Katie is two. What a time we have had. Katie is the joy of my life. I cannot believe how special she is to me. Words cannot explain it.

Things I love about Katie:

Her smile.
Her laugh.
Her hugs and "nacker" kisses (kisses with the sound).
Her quest for understanding.
Her eyes.
Her excitment.
Her friendliness.
Her sweetness.
The way she poses and says "so cute" when I finish with her hair and tell her to let me see how cute she looks.
The way she stops whatever she is doing and runs to the door as soon as she hears Ben's key turning in the lock.
The way she greets me when I pick her up.
The way she looks up at me and says "good morning!"
Her love of life.
The way she looks in overalls.
The way she lights up when she sees her Grandparents.
The way she says "go get Grandma K" when we are even remotely close to her apartment.
The way she talks on the phone.
The way she helps me to put on her lotion.
The way she cuddles into you when she is tired.
That we can hold a true conversation.
The way she gets so excited when she sees the moon and stars.
Her memory.

Katie is such a special person to me. I truly consider her to be God's gift to us. She lights up my life!

Happy Birthday Baby!

Monday, February 12, 2007

My massage is on hold til later (yes, Massage Envy). Katie is going in for her first haircut this evening. This is a long time in coming. Goodbye baby, hello big girl. sniff...

This past weekend was our congregational retreat. It was a very laid back time for everyone to get together and "just be." The three of us had a good time. Katie even slept! I didn't get a whole lot of sleep, but I knew it would be that way. Crazily enough, I think I felt about as rested during the weekend than I do during the regular week. Shows you how little sleep I actually get in a night and am able to function on. Sure, I'd like more, but I don't see that happening any time soon. Oh well, just have to make the best of things!

Anyway, back to the retreat. Unfortunately, I don't remember much about the classes because I was knitting and checking on Katie in the nursery. I know, I shouldn't have been knitting and should have been focusing, but it was really good to sit and work on my sweater. That in itsself somewhat rejuvinated me. In the afternoon, we were able to do some scrapbooking stuff. Michelle brought a lot of things for us to use. It was very generous of her to share so many materials. I made a journal. We used the pre-bound composition notebooks and covered them with pretty papers and stuff. That was a lot of fun. Then Katie and I made a little journal for her using the fun-foam stickers. I think she enjoyed it, but wanted to get down and play. Oh well, she and I got to do a craft together. I will have to keep thinking along those lines and do stuff like that more often with her.

My hips are so sore from the beds. I think I am going to get a massage this evening, if they have any openings. We received a coupon in the mail this week for a 60 min massage for $39. Sounds like a good deal to me!

I know that different people take away different things from weekends like this, so I don't feel too guilty for not completely paying attention. What I needed from the weekend was a little time to be crafty and I got that. So, that made it worthwhile!

We tried to keep Katie awake on the way home and mostly succeeded. She fell asleep about Eudora. Luckily, we got her into bed and she slept for 3 hours! We decided to wake her up so she would sleep well at night too. So, I put her to bed about normal time and had to wake her up this morning. Good thing she slept! I don't sleep in the same room as her normally so I didn't realize how much noise she makes in the night. She will talk, wimper, and laugh through the course of a night. Plus, she snores. I knew she did, but didn't know how much till this weekend. Poor kid didn't stand a chance coming from my family.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Start, rip, repeat

For Christmas Ben gave me a gift certificate to Knit Wit in Olathe. He knows how I love yarn, so it was the perfect gift. No worries on his part for picking something I wouldn't like. If I pick something I don't like, it's completely my fault. So, I went to the store the day after Christmas armed with my "free" money ready to do some damage. They have a sale each year this time, so all the yarn was at least 30% off. Can't beat that!

So, knowing I only had 1 hour to look and make my pruchases, I went in with a purpose. I am going to knit myself a sweater and I need 7 skeins of this yarn so go pick a color! I lucked out and they had all 7 in one dyelot so I won't have any issues with the color. I even found some sock yarn that would coordinate beautifully. Plus some other stuff, but that isn't important now, is it?

I got brave a made a swatch. Hmm. Doesn't seem like the finished product will be the right size. Oh well, I can make the adjustments when I'm done knitting and it is on the blocking board. Did I ever tell you I can be delusional at times?

Knit, knit, knit away on the pretty blue sweater. Hmm. Doesn't seem like it will fit. That's ok, I'll keep going. Two inches really is too early to tell.

Knit, knit, knit. Ok, after 8 inches I finally get the idea that IT REALLY WON'T FIT! So, I frog it (knitting lingo for a do-over; you rip it)

So, I started over. This time I think it will be a good size and all is right with the world. Wait a minute, something doesn't seem right. What's going on? What? 111 stitches? I was sure there were 110?!?! Back to the frog pond.

Third time's a charm, right? WRONG!

Moral of the story, if it seems wrong at first, it probably is. Moral #2, counting is a good thing. Moral #3, don't try to knit a new project that involves concentration when Keith is in the same room.