...since my last post. It seems like it has been even longer than that.
I got a vacation day Friday to celebrate Veteran's Day. Thank you to all the veterans and current service members for keeping us safe and free.
My uncle was ordained as a Seventy in our church on Sunday so we saw about half of my relatives over the weekend. All in all it was a good weekend. Even with Katie only taking a five minute nap in the car Sunday between events. I would have liked for her to have a nap, but she did remarkably well with no sleep during the day.
I went to a bead store today that is closing its doors this coming weekend. I got $120 worth of stuff for $50. Not a bad deal in my opinion! I got stuff that I normally would have overlooked, but I have some great ideas for it. Someday you might see evidence here.
I had a situation at work today that was kind of interesting. I won't go into detail here, but I realized that I am truly a professional in my field. I feel important to this organization. What a great feeling! My supervisor trusts my judgement enough to allow me to interface with people professionally without hanging over my shoulder. Days like today really confirm that this was a good career move for me.
Katie's new thing this week is Curious George Bubble Bath. Get dorj bub-bles! Also, this afternoon she told Grandma "Katie eat pizza dinner." She knows what she likes!