For Christmas Ben gave me a gift certificate to Knit Wit in Olathe. He knows how I love yarn, so it was the perfect gift. No worries on his part for picking something I wouldn't like. If I pick something I don't like, it's completely my fault. So, I went to the store the day after Christmas armed with my "free" money ready to do some damage. They have a sale each year this time, so all the yarn was at least 30% off. Can't beat that!
So, knowing I only had 1 hour to look and make my pruchases, I went in with a purpose. I am going to knit myself a sweater and I need 7 skeins of this yarn so go pick a color! I lucked out and they had all 7 in one dyelot so I won't have any issues with the color. I even found some sock yarn that would coordinate beautifully. Plus some other stuff, but that isn't important now, is it?
I got brave a made a swatch. Hmm. Doesn't seem like the finished product will be the right size. Oh well, I can make the adjustments when I'm done knitting and it is on the blocking board. Did I ever tell you I can be delusional at times?
Knit, knit, knit away on the pretty blue sweater. Hmm. Doesn't seem like it will fit. That's ok, I'll keep going. Two inches really is too early to tell.
Knit, knit, knit. Ok, after 8 inches I finally get the idea that IT REALLY WON'T FIT! So, I frog it (knitting lingo for a do-over; you rip it)
So, I started over. This time I think it will be a good size and all is right with the world. Wait a minute, something doesn't seem right. What's going on? What? 111 stitches? I was sure there were 110?!?! Back to the frog pond.
Third time's a charm, right? WRONG!
Moral of the story, if it seems wrong at first, it probably is. Moral #2, counting is a good thing. Moral #3, don't try to knit a new project that involves concentration when Keith is in the same room.