Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Last night I wanted chicken for dinner. So Katie and I went to the store and got a few things plus a rotisserie chicken. I saw the asparagus sitting there too and thought that might make a good meal. So, I steamed the asparagus and drizzled it with olive oil and salt and pepper. It was delicious! The stalks were so tender and yummy. It's too bad that we ate all of it last night. No leftovers. I guess that means I need to get more!

I became completely obsessed with a project over the weekend. I found a pattern for a knit jacket that I really like so I started working on it Friday or Saturday, I can't remember and have already finished 1 ball of 7 of the yarn I chose. I hope to have it finished before the cold is completely done so I can wear it this year! It is all that I can think about. I wish I didn't have to work so I could work on it all day long!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

It is quiet in my house. Charlie and I are the only ones awake. Well, Ben may be awake now because Charlie just barked at him to go outside, but it is quiet none-the-less. I like the peaceful time when I am awake and no one else is. It's too bad that the reason I am awake is that I couldn't sleep!

I was able to finish Katie's sweater or shrug or whatever you want to call it, but I don't know if it fits right. I may need to get some help to see what I can do about it. It looks cute, but she is absolutely refusing to wear it. I asked her last night why she doesn't like it, and she said the colors are "just awful". Her words, not mine. It made me a little sad. Hopefully she will come around.

I now have a little girl sitting on my lap so I guess it is time to get going and get ready for church. It's just a typical Sunday morning.

Edited to add: I am not above bribary to get Katie to wear what I want. Good thing it only takes her being able to turn on the fan!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

I'm sorry

I am sorry I left that other post at the top for so long. I'm not one to usually talk about bathroom habits, but for some strange reason I felt that I needed to post that one. I think it was the title. I am a sucker for rhymes.

I am in the midst of two knitting projects. One is for Ben and one is for Katie. I still need to get a a final measurement from Ben, but the one for Katie is shaping up very nicely. I need to go in for some help this week, but the project should be done by this weekend! I am excited about it. Hopefully it will make it's debut on Sunday.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Number 2 in the loo

This is more for my sake than yours. We are working on potty training and are starting to have some success. Last night we passed a milestone. I won't go into details, but Katie is the sweetest girl around.

After much cheering and encouragement, she replied "It makes you happy, mommy." Yes, sweetheart, it sure does.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

I'm beat

I don't like having to go back to work after having a nice long holiday. I was able to take 4 days of vacation and was off for a total of 11. You just can't beat that. It is so hard to get back into the swing of things and I am tired.

We had such a great time over the Christmas holiday. We spent lots of time together which is both good and bad at the same time. Personal time is non-existant when the whole family is together for so long, but it was nice to have everyone together for so long. We got to spend time with every family member living in the KC area at one point during the holidays. Of course Katie loved all the attention. We got to spend time playing cards 3 evenings into the morning with Steve and Nicole, something we don't do enough of. We ate out way too much, but we all survived.

My hopes for this year are simple: I hope for a happy and healthy year. We did pretty good in 2007, but here's to a better 2008!