Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Another question

I want to customize the template for this design more to my liking. I want to make the margins smaller so the text in the post will be in longer lines. What do I look for in the code to change so I can do this?

The end of the weekend

Monday morning we went to Kill Creek Park with my family for a breakfast picnic. This is something that my family has done several times in the past. When we were young, it was just Mom, Dad, Steve and I. Then came Ben and Grandma K (also Charlie). Now we've added Nicole and Katie. It's fun to keep expanding our group.

When we were young, my dad would fix Cowboy Coffeecake on Saturday mornings. I don't really know how often he would make it, but it seemed like once a month. So, he'd mix up the batter and while it was baking in the microwave, no less (they have a convection type--don't really know why he uses it instead of the oven, but it works) Steve and I would sit at the top of the stairs leading down to the family room and lick the bowl while watching our cartoons. When the cakes were finished, dad would fry some eggs to go along with it. We would put butter on the hot cake and eat our eggs with the runny yolks (my favorite). This is one meal that I always have loved.

Anyway, I made the comment that I've been craving the coffeecake, so dad made them just for me. Actually, I think I just gave him the excuse, but no matter. So now Katie loves it too. Thanks dad!

We went around Lake Olathe on our way home and Katie fell asleep. Then when we got home, I got a nap! Katie took another nap in the afteroon so guess what Jen did? Did someone say nap? Yup.

I haven't slept that much for a very long time. I think the last time was before Katie was born. What a lovely way to spend the lazy weekend.

When we came home from dinner that evening, we were greeted by this:

This little guy was just sitting on the railing on our front porch. If you have read Alli's post today, you will see that babies are all around. I think the spring is awesome for this very reason. It is so exciting to me to see the babies starting to make it on their own. Maybe it's the mother instinct, maybe it's just me rooting for the little guy, but I sure want the babies to make it. I watched this little guy for probably 20 minutes. I even put out some seed for him-or her. I gave Katie a bath and put her to bed then rushed down to see if he was still there. He wasn't. Part of me was kind of sad because was hoping he'd stay close because I knew he was safe here. Part of me was glad because it meant that he was going to make it. Of course I had to look at the steps to see if he'd fallen. Luckily, he was gone.

I could hear a couple of adult jays squaking at something and Ben pointed out the cat sitting on the neighbor's driveway just watching the baby. Obviously, one of the adults was the mama. She was telling that cat to stay away from her baby. You go, mama! Ben found the baby next door, so I stood in the street watching it some more. Mama kept squaking at the cat, but between every squak you'd hear her coaxing the baby to fly. I was definately cheering for the little guy. I knew that since his mama was there, he would be just fine.

This whole experience made me think about being a mother myself. I would absolutely do anything to protect Katie. I know that one day she'll have to do things on her own so she can learn, but I will be with her every step of the way cheering her on and squaking at those cats.

All in all, it was a great weekend. I felt more refreshed on Monday evening than I have in a long time. Unfortunately, reality set in and I had to go back to work Tuesday. But, I am thankful that I had the time to spend just relaxing. I hope all of you had an enjoyable weekend too.

The end to the suspense

So now I'm sure you are all excited to hear what happened on Sunday. Well, you have to wait. Just kidding!

Sunday we went to church as usual. But, you already knew that.

Then, of course, a nap. YEA!! Naps are wonderful!

Sunday evening was a lot of fun. Katie went to stay with her Grandma while Ben, my Dad, and I went to Union Station for the anual Memorial Day concert. We stopped at HyVee and picked up some chicken and stuff and had ourselves a nice picnic in front of Union Station. The weather was very nice without too much heat and a nice breeze.

We got there while the symphony was doing their sound check, so we heard the concert twice. I'm not complaining! This year was broadcast live on KCPT and will have a repeat broadcast on July 4. I don't think we were ever filmed, but it was still pretty neat. The concert was very good. I knew several of the songs they played. The songs were all patriotic in nature, so they all get recycled from group to group. I think I probably have performed about 1/3 of the songs they performed. On a side note, it is very interesting how different conductors interpret the songs differently. You get a faster section here, a crescendo here, etc. I really enjoyed the new conductor for the KC Symphony. I was able to follow him exactly from the audience. Sometimes you get someone who is world renowned (is that a word? I think you know what I mean) that is so difficult to follow. It makes me wonder why they are so great. Anyway, I really enjoyed the music this year.

THEN, the best part. They played the 1812 Overture. You know, the one with the CANNONS. I LOVE THE CANNONS! Dad and I decided to get closer to the cannons during this song. They were on the hill between Liberty Memorial and Union Station. So we went over to the street corner just below where they were set up. I forgot where the first cannon was supposed to be in the song and it fired and I about fell over. WOWSER! What a rush. I could feel the concussion in my chest, my pant legs were fluttering with the vibration, and it was so very loud! I looked at my dad and we both just said that was awesome! We were totally amazed. There were five of them lined up on the hill, so all in all, we probably heard and saw the cannons go off about 15 or so times. That was cool.

We made it back to our seats and watched a wonderful fireworks show that was coordinated with some recorded music. That was so good. It wasn't just shoot off everything at once either. I thought each shot was deliberately planned. The company that did the production was very good. I was impressed. Then, more cannon!

Next year, we will probably bring Katie. I think she'd really enjoy it. We'll just have to cover her ears for the cannons though. But, a good time was had by all.

It took us some time to get back to the car and then another 40 minutes sitting in the parking garage, but we all had a great time. Come with us next year!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I almost forgot. I'm sure you are all dying to know what happened with my felting. Well, my wool didn't shrink. This stuff would be great for a sweater that you don't want to shrink. After a whopping 3 1/2 times through the washer with 6 pairs of jeans, the little bugger didn't shrink. I even check the label and it didn't say anything about the wool being superwash, so I assumed it would work for what I wanted it to do. All that happened was the yarn got a little fuzzy. So, if you need some fuzzy orange stripy squares that are about 6 1/2 inches square, let me know. Otherwise, these are going to the trash. Unless anyone has any better ideas.

My Weekend, by Jennifer

What a weekend! It was so nice being off work for three whole days. I loved it! It's just too bad that it's not Memorial Week instead of Memorial Day.

We got up early (6:30 or so) on Saturday, thanks to Miss Katie. So, we got up, played, ate pancakes that Ben made (he adds cinnamon to them--yummy!) then took naps. I love naps.

We went shopping then and came home with a new vacuum cleaner. It really sucks! I know, that's an old one, but in our case, it is a definate improvement. This new one cleans in about 1/3 the time as the old one because you don't have to keep running over the same spot to get all the dog hair. We might be able to keep up with Charlie now. She is a shedding machine. It seems that she sheds and sheds and still looks the same. I would have thought that she'd be bald by now with all the hair she has lost recently.

So, Ben had the opportunity to go to see the Wizards battle DC United on Saturday evening. He even was asked to participate in the halftime kicking challenge. He came in second, but still had a great time. He called me when he was done at halftime and was super excited. After playing in the band on so many football fields, I wonder what it would be like to stand in the middle of the field at Arrowhead. It's probably pretty awesome.

While Ben was at the game, Katie and I went to dinner at a new Greek restaraunt with my parents. I will go back, but I'm not so sure about my dad. Oh well. After we ate, we went to my parents' house and Katie was sitting on the couch like a big girl. She gets this cute little proud smile saying look at me, I'm a big girl! That little girl is something else.

I just changed the title of this particular post. I was writing and realized that this is very similar to the essays one would write in grade school: How I Spent My Summer Vacation. Oh well, you'll survive. ;) (What if you want to wink with the other eye? Which character do you use?)

So Sunday Katie and I went to church then out to Jumpin Catfish with my family. Yummy. Reminded me of when I was little when we'd visit Grandma K in Arkansas. Dad and Grandpa K would go fishing EARLY and bring home catfish to fry up for breakfast. I loved it.

Then, we took naps. I really enjoy my naps.

A friend of mine from high school days called and we had a nice little chat. We talk about 2-3 times a year, so it was good to hear from her again. There are only two people I remotely keep in contact with from high school. At first I was kind of sad by this, but then realized that life moves in different directions and you make new friends. It's good to know that there were two good friends there that have stood the test of time.

Anyway, this brings us up to Sunday evening. Sunday evening deserves it very own post, so stay tuned!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hey hey Booboo, I see a picinic basket!

For the past few years, Ben and I and usually someone else, have gone to Union Station on Sunday night of the Memorial Day Weekend. The Kansas City Symphony plays an outdoor concert with fireworks following. We take a picnic dinner and chairs and blankets and enjoy ourselves in the great outdoors while listening to patriotic music. Sometimes the music gets annoying since I've played most of it at one point or another, but it is always fun to get out and have a picnic. They usually play the 1812 Overture WITH the real cannon. That is something worth experiencing. I LOVE THE CANNON! Then when it is dark, the fireworks start above the Liberty Memorial. All in all, it's a great evening. So, Sunday night, 7ish (I think-check the website) we'll probably be there. If you are interested in getting together, let me know and we can pick a place to meet up.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

So, the felting didn't go as planned last night. I couldn't find my zipper pillow case to put the project in while washing, so I just used straight pins to keep a regular case closed. That wasn't a very good idea. I went down to check on the progress and the pins had all come out. I recovered four of them. I think I used 7 or 8. So, I have some straight pins either in my washing machine, or in the jeans I used with the felting process. Luckily, I used old jeans that I will never wear again, so I won't get stuck. But, if the pins are in the washer, other clothes may pick them up. We'll just have to watch out for them.

This wool will not felt very easy. I know it will eventually, but right now it is taking it's own sweet time. I will just have to keep washing!

Monday, May 22, 2006

This one is for Brad

I know, I know. It's been too long. So much has been happening that I haven't had the time or energy to post! Work is just getting in the way. But, I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel. My department is starting to slow down some, thankfully.

I have been busy on the knitting front. I am going to felt something this evening and hope to have some pictures to show some time soon. I can't give too many details yet since someone may be reading this. hee hee hee...

Katie is trying to climb steps feet first instead of the safer method of crawling. Yikes! She is fully healthy now.

Ben and I celebrated our sixth wedding anniversary this past weekend. We went to Pierpont's at Union Station and had a fabulous time. I got to get all dressed up! I don't have that opportunity very often, so the whole process was fun.

Work calls now. Have a good day!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

It's free!

Tonight, Wednesday, May 10, JC Winds will be performing at the Carlson Center on the JCCC campus. I play the clarinet with this group and have been for a number of years now. We get together to play on a weekly basis then perform 2 concerts a semester. It's a win-win situation! The concert is free and starts at 7:30 in the Polsky Theater (I think that's the name of it--it's the little theater). As an added bonus, you can hear Jim playing the trumpet!