Saturday, July 29, 2006

I'll have vanilla. Then again, maybe not.

We usually go out to eat somewhere on Friday nights. After we eat, if the weather is nice and not blazing hot, we will go to a park so that Katie can play. Well, it was too hot last night so we went to Dairy Queen! Katie got her first ice cream cone, but wasn't too impressed with the dessert. She took a couple bites/licks/tastes, but then decided she didn't want any more. Oh well! We still had fun anyhow.


Aren't I cute?

All done!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Shower gifts

As promised, here are some pictures of my latest creations. If anyone is interested, the coasters are made from Manos de Uraguay (I think this is what it was, I lost the label) in a lovely red color with some slight varigation. The hand towel was made from some yarn I found at JoAnn's (again with the label) using the pattern from Mason Dixon Knitting. I just want to say I fell in love with this pattern. I can't wait to re-knit it using the linen yarn called for. That would be simply lovely. The felted box pattern is also from MDK. It was real quick and very satisfying. Although, I didn't look at the book errata before I started. The pattern called for a size 10 needle and I just couldn't do it with that, so I think I used size 11. THEN I found the correction and it called for a 15. I think that would make a lot of difference. I am still happy with the end result, however. I will definately be making these again. Ok, enough about the specs. Here's the pics! The "group" shots are more true to color.

Help me!

Ok, I need help. Actually, my husband needs help. But mostly I need your help so he will QUIT HIJACKING MY COMMENTS!

You see, Ben wants to start a blog. The problem is he doesn't know what to call it. He keeps asking me, but I don't know. So, what do you all think? He wants something that will reflect who he is, but doesn't want to just use his name. Hmmm... Ponder this with me and leave your ideas in the comments.


I really don't mind the comments, but he does need help deciding.

Gone for awhile

It's been awhile. I have stuff to share, but don't have the photo documentation to prove it! Steve and Nicole had their wedding shower last weekend. I had been working feverishly to finish the gifts for it! I am very pleased with the end product. I will post pictures this weekend. They received a lot of nice gifts. I think Steve was a little overwhelmed with the love and support everyone showed. Being a part of our congregation is a good thing. We all stick together and support each other. For the two showers I had (wedding and baby) the congregation really opened their hearts and gave to us. I felt so loved and blessed to be a part of such a wonderful group!

We will be absent for the next two weeks. This Sunday we are going to Independence to celebrate our nephew Alex's baptism. The next week we will be attending the baptism of my high school friend's daughter at their church. It will be weird for me to be away from our church for two Sundays in a row. This hasn't happened in a very long time. I always go! But, these are very important times in other's lives, so we want to be there to support them.

Ben's family is visiting from Washington so Aunt Noreen will be baptising Alex. We got to visit with them some on Monday when they came to our house. Katie was great as always. I think she is a people lover. Or an attention lover. Hmmm, maybe it's one in the same? Anyway, she kept going to Uncle Phil and getting attention from him. Of course Alex loves her. I don't really know what all she was doing since I was cooking, but I never heard her crying, so all is well.

Ben granted my wish for my birthday. I have been telling him for some time now that I want a small digital camera to keep in my purse so I can take pictures when the mood strikes. So, for my birthday, he got me a small camera! It is so cute and I love it. There just hasn't been much pictue opportunity recently. I hope that will change soon! I just need to get more into the mindset to do more snapshots. I'll get there!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

What's for lunch?

Did you see this? Hmmm... I guess this guy loves his pet.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


A few summers ago, Ben and I became familiar with a sport/activity/adventure (I don't really know what it's classification is) called Letterboxing. You may have heard of Geocaching. Well, this is similar, but a little different. There is a website that has a lot of clues to take you to different letterboxes. Inside you will find a stamp and small notebook. When you locate the box based on the given clues, you ink up your stamp and stamp it into the box's book and ink the box's stamp to stamp in your book. It's kind of like a passport so you have a log of where you've been and the placer of the box can see where people are from. We found a couple boxes when we started this hobby and had every intention of making our own stamps and making boxes to hide for others to find. We haven't touched it since. We were both thinking about it recently, so this post is to help spur us along to start letterboxing again. If anyone else is interested, join us!

I think the thing that held us up before was trying to come up with designs for our stamps. In this hobby, your stamp in kind of like your signature. You don't have to make your own, but it makes it more fun to see homemade stamps in the books. We keep going around with ideas and just need to pick something and do it. I think Ben is closer to having a firm idea than I am, so I need to get busy thinking of something!

I think I'll wait till it's not 100 degrees.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

I am such a slacker. I keep thinking I should update the ole' blog, but it just doesn't happen.

Last Saturday I went over and helped Steve and Nicole get their wedding invitations put together. They are very pretty. Nicole's mom painted the outside with Chinese lettering. I wish I knew what it says, but I can't remember. It is very nice though. It was fun getting to hang out with Nicole for a little bit. She and I don't have much opportunity to get together because our lives are so busy. When we do get together, I have a good time. I hope she does too!

I am so happy for Steve and Nicole. They just fit together so well. She is making a great addition to our family.

They have a website up now, so go check it out sometime.

I am so tired. I want time to myself for a day. I don't want to have to do anything for anyone else for just a day. Unfortunately, that just doesn't happen.